How many hotels have you seen on social media? Most hotels you stay at? I’ve seen a ton of hotels embracing twitter or Facebook, and a few on Foursquare and Youtube, but does that mean they’re doing it right?
I appreciate the fact that hotels are joining social media and some are joining in on their customer’s conversations, but it needs to be more than this. They need to work on incorporating it into their marketing plans, making their employees aware of their ongoing initiatives, and reward and respond to customers…. Customers expect this of hotels!
If hotels want to stay successful, they have to engage. This may seem scary to various hotels, but social media presents a wider variety of opportunities for the hospitality industry. Social media allows hotels to hear what customers want and whether they’re giving them what they need or not! It’s also the best way to ensure customer service optimization by dealing with guest’s issues, complaints, and compliments both online and offline. It’s also another way to reach customers and better cater to their needs… and pick up on their personal needs and wants.
In other words, embrace social media because customers are already there spreading the good, bad and the ugly about EVERYTHING.