Saturday, March 5, 2016

The Reasons I Finally Joined (And Enjoy) Snapchat

I don't know about you, but I'm big into social media, but have been wary about Snapchat until now. Why, you ask? Because of course, at first, you hear the negative connotations associated with it, you don't understand the point, you have zero friends when you first join and you don't understand why your much younger sibling/nieces/nephews/cousins are in the know and YOU are not... let alone how a business could be on this! 

Why did I join snapchat? 
  1. My much younger, cooler brother has been on it for a long time
  2. I kept hearing about how it's the fastest-growing social network and I needed to know more
  3. Many of my friends made the switch / addition and I was curious
  4. There's a few colleagues of mine who've continued to inquire about how companies can create an account and if there's any best practices 
  5. I feel like since my career does involve digital & ecommerce & social, it was time... 
Why do I actually like snapchat now? 
  1. It's a much 'realer' social channel than say instagram (heavily-staged) or facebook (flooded by engagements, weddings, babies, monumental moments... politics) 
  2. It's such a quick visualization tool, where you can send your friends photos while you're out, without having to waste the space on your texts or photo albums (photos speak 1,000 words)
  3. It's a fun way to stay in touch with friends, via videos of their day, funny photos, filters, especially now that I have a decent amount of friends living afar 
  4. It's actually a VERY creative app and fun to see how friends use it 
How do I see businesses using it? 
  1. Providing access to unique, live events
  2. Contests or perks for those who share your product via snaps
  3. Snapchat takeovers 
  4. Share daily behind-the-scenes at work

What are your thoughts on snapchat? I like to see businesses who do it well, but I'll be honestly, I only currently follow friends and then discover businesses whose major brand is on there, doing a killer job. 

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